Title: Dark Deceptions

Genre: Adult Fiction

Author: Davis, Dee

Rating: 5

Review: It was a good read with a lot of twists and turns...Dee Davis is one of many authors i enjoy reading...

Reviewed by: elizabeth

1 comment:

  1. Dark Deceptions is a perfect blend of action, romance, suspense, and danger that will keep readers captivated. Ms. Davis does a wonderful job of keeping the danger intense and weaves an intricate web of betrayal, espionage, and political intrigue. I especially appreciate strong female characters. It was great reading about kick-butt female operatives that had no problem going toe-to-toe with men twice their size. Annie is no mere damsel in distress, proving herself just as capable as Nash. Annie had her flaws, but overall I found her to be a very believable character. Nash on the other hand was a bit disappointing at times. I expected him to be more Alpha, but he is surprisingly agreeable. Nash is more of the cool, calm and collected variety. After certain events unfold and new things are brought to light, Nash's acceptance was immediate. This was a bit predictable, but not enough to detract from my enjoyment of the story. Annie and Nash have an undeniable chemistry, but they oftentimes couldn't see past their disagreements. It's an understatement to say that their relationship suffered from lack of communication and trust, which is odd given the business they're in. Great secondary characters and complex villains make Dark Deceptions a thrilling read.
