Title: Peach Blossom Pavilion

Genre: Adult Fiction

Author: Yip, Mingmei

Rating: 1

Review: This book about a "prestigious prostitute" in China in the early 20th century was surprisingly not as good as it could have been.

Reviewed by: Jessica

Title: Dark Deceptions

Genre: Adult Fiction

Author: Davis, Dee

Rating: 5

Review: It was a good read with a lot of twists and turns...Dee Davis is one of many authors i enjoy reading...

Reviewed by: elizabeth

Title: When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Dead
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Author: Weintraub, Jerry
Rating: 5

Review: The fascinating memoir of Jerry Weintraub, producer of "Oh God", "Karate Kid" and others as well as many plays. He managed John Denver from the start as well as musical legends Presley and Sinatra. Reading the book felt like I was sitting across from him having a conversation all while he telling his story about what it takes to get to the top.

Reviewed by: elma
Title: How to be a Wild, Wise and Witty Woman
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Author: LaRoche, Loretta
Rating: 4

Review: A very funny book that lets women know how to lighten up and live life. I found it to be insightful and amusing (Book on CD)

Reviewed by: elma
Title: The Everything Practice Interview Book: Make the Best Impression and Get the Job You Want!
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Author: McKay, Dawn Rosenberg
Rating: 5

Review: This book is so full of usefull interview technique advise that it shouldn't be borrowed - it should be purchased for your home collection. Lots of GREAT advice on how to answer specific questions during an interview.

Reviewed by: elma
Title: Cross Country
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Patterson, James
Rating: 5

Review: Ellie Cox, her husband and children are brutally murdered in Washington; the first in a series of murders. Alex Cross is the police detective who has a vested interest in this case; Ellie was a college sweetheart. He follows the man known as the Tiger to Africa. I listened to this book and am amazed that he survived several brutal beatings but, like other Patterson books, I couldn't stop listening.

Reviewed by: elma
Title: The Help
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Stockett, Kathryn
Rating: 5

Review: I listened to this book and loved it. There are many readers to keep you interested and wondering what's going to happen next. The book takes place 1962 in Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement. Skeeter has graduated from college but remember that it's 1962 and her mother will not be happy until Skeeter has a ring on her finger. She is a writer writing a "Miss Myrna" column about housekeeping. She wants to write something "important" so she decides that she will write how the maids really feel about their employers. And so starts a very dangerous endeaver.

Reviewed by: elma
Title: The Accidental Library Marketer
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Author: Dempsey, Kathy
Rating: 2

Review: Nothing you probably haven't read before about marketing libraries.

Reviewed by: elma
Title: Twilight
Genre: Fiction
Author: meyer, stephanie
Rating: 5

Review: excellent read, very fast! a new twist on the modern day romeo and juliette. Has alot of actual history,myth & legend and a little made up!

Reviewed by: meta
Title: House of Wolves
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: bronleewe, matt
Rating: 5

Review: Suspensful, exciting, historical mystery. A true "national treasure" type of book. great read if you like historical secret societies

Reviewed by: meta
Title: breaking dawn
Genre: Urban Fiction
Author: meyer, stephanie
Rating: 5

Review: excellent end to the twilight saga, finally a series that doesn't leave you hanging and requiring more!

Reviewed by: meta
Title: New Orleans Legacy
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: ripley, alexandra
Rating: 5

Review: This book is and awsome coming of age, self discovery for anyone who reads it! has alot of real places, and gives alot of insight to the era

Reviewed by: meta
Title: eclipse
Genre: Urban Fiction
Author: meyer, stephanie
Rating: 5

Review: clearly my favorite of the 4 books, has the most action, more internal conflict between the characters and leaves you wanting more!

Reviewed by: meta
Title: Hearts Awakening
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Parr, Delia
Rating: 3

Review: Nice light novel. Quick read. Storyline is not original but still entertaining.

Reviewed by: Wendy
Title: Caught
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Coben, Harlan
Rating: 4

Review: Interesting suspense thriller.

Reviewed by: Patricia
Title: Plum Island
Genre: Mystery
Author: Demille, Nelson
Rating: 5

Review: For years I saw his books on the shelf and never read them.... now I am hooked!!

Reviewed by: Kerry
Title: Particular Sadness of Lemon Cake
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Bender, Aimee
Rating: 4

Review: A delightful coming-of-age novel about a young girl who has a magical gift which enables her to taste the emotions of others in their cooking. Heartbreaking and funny!

Reviewed by: Debbi
Title: Damage
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Author: Glass, Cathy
Rating: 4

Review: A well-written true account of a foster parent. This book is not for the squeamish. Ms Glass tries to break through to a severely disturbed 8 year old girl. As she gets closer the child's past begins to unravel. A very detailed, day to day account.

Reviewed by: Lorna
Title: The Art Thief
Genre: Mystery
Author: Charney, Noah
Rating: 1

Review: A mystery involving several seemingly unrelated art thefts around the world. I found this to be a rather difficult read. I set it aside three times to read other books before I finally finished it.

Reviewed by: Carol
Title: Montana Sky
Genre: Romance
Author: Roberts, Nora
Rating: 4

Review: The trials of three estraged sisters who jointly inherit their father?s ranch, who must move in together, learning to live with one another and finally to love each other. Another Nora Roberts great.

Reviewed by: Carol
Title: Baby Proof
Genre: Romance
Author: Giffin, Emily
Rating: 3

Review: Story of a young woman with no desire for children who finally meets and marries a man who feels the same. They enjoy the freedom of a childless marriage until a request from a childless friend for an ?egg? triggers a change of heart for her. As you can imagine, this creates quite a riff in the formerly smooth relationship.

Reviewed by: Carol
Title: The Reef
Genre: Romance
Author: Roberts, Nora
Rating: 4

Review: A really gripping story of romance, adventure, and danger as a young woman following in her father?s footstep searches the ocean bottom for a legendary treasure. Of necessity she must team up with a another treasure hunter she does not trust, endangering both her fortune and her heart. Has Nora Roberts ever written a bad one? Not in my opinion. Another great read.

Reviewed by: Carol
Title: In the Shadow of Love
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: John, Sally
Rating: 5

Review: I liked it. Easy read.

Reviewed by: Ellen
Title: A Vineyard Killing
Genre: Mystery
Author: Craig, Philip
Rating: 5

Review: A fantastic suspenseful mystery that captured my attention from chapter 1.

Reviewed by: Kim
Title: A is for Alibi
Genre: Mystery
Author: Grafton, Sue
Rating: 4

Review: Good book. Enjoyed the characters.

Reviewed by: Sharon
Title: B is for Burglar
Genre: Mystery
Author: Grafton, Sue
Rating: 4

Review: Good Book. Enjoyed it.

Reviewed by: Sharon
Title: Hero at Large
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Evanovich, Janet
Rating: 4

Review: I liked the clever bantering back and forth with the characters. It also kept you intrigued.

Reviewed by: Debra
Title: Blood Work
Genre: Mystery
Author: Connelly, Michael
Rating: 4

Review: A very interesting story. Kept you wanting to read on and on.

Reviewed by: Stanley
Title: Three Fates
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Roberts, Nora
Rating: 5

Review: I thought this book was very well written and she made it very interesting.

Reviewed by: Aura
Title: Last Kiss
Genre: Romance
Author: Rice, Luanne
Rating: 5

Review: Very inspiring story, sad and happy at the same time.

Reviewed by: Aura
Title: The Treasure Box
Genre: Mystery
Author: Stokes, Penelope
Rating: 5

Review: Great read, kept me on the edge of my seat the entire time!! This is the 2nd book I have read by this author and I am enjoying her style.

Reviewed by: Linda
Title: Strange Affair
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Robinson, Peter
Rating: 3

Review: A murder mystery set in london that is a little slow of a read til near end with some terminology not accustomed to here in America.

Reviewed by: John
Title: I Heard That Song Before
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Higgins Clark, Mary
Rating: 4

Review: Not one of her best pieces of work, but still an enjoyable read.

Reviewed by: Traci
Title: Imperial Bedrooms
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Easton-Ellis, Bret
Rating: 2

Review: This is a book that I believe only die-hard Easton-Ellis fans will enjoy. I'm pretty fond of his writing myself, and I was disappointed with it. Imperial Bedrooms is described as a continuation of Less Than Zero, Easton-Ellis' breakthrough novel published around twenty years ago. I'm not sure I agree with that-sure the names of the characters are the same, but there's no connection-these characters could be anyone.

This book is very readable, but that's about the only redeeming quality. I feel like it was an unwelcome mating of Less Than Zero with American Psycho, with cruelty and barbaric behavior thrown in purely for shock value. I'd much rather have re-read one of Easton-Ellis' older books than be disappointed by this one!

Reviewed by: Charis
Title: Solomon's Sword
Genre: Adult Non-Fiction
Author: Shapiro, Michael
Rating: 3

Review: Informative book about the workings of the Child Welfare System run by states. A good look at the difficulties faced, not only by the states trying to protect children, but by the families who are affected by the states' decisions.

Reviewed by: Wendy
Title: The Invisible Bridge
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Oringer, Julie
Rating: 5

Review: An excellent book about three Hungarian Jewish brothers and their struggle to survive during World War II. Not to be missed!

Reviewed by: Linda
Title: Every Last One
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Quindlen, Anna
Rating: 3

Review: A relatively normal suburban family faces unimaginable horrors.

Reviewed by: Linda
Title: Barefoot
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Hilderbrand, Elin
Rating: 4

Review: Three women go to Nantucket for the summer to relax and escape their problems. Unfortunately for the two sisters and friend, their problems follow them. Great summer/beach read.

Reviewed by: Jessica
Title: Splendor
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Godbersen, Anna
Rating: 4

Review: This the last book of a four part series. In all, I would recommend the series-the author does a fantastic job of pulling you into the circa 1900 high class life setting, and I was very invested in what would happen to the cast of characters. I can't say I was satisfied with everyone's outcome, but I won't go into detail about that to avoid spoilers! If you enjoy historical fiction, romance and drama-this is the series for you.

Reviewed by: Charis
Title: A Visit from the Goon Squad
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Egan, Jennifer
Rating: 5

Review: I loved this book. Extremely engaging, it was the kind of book you hate to put down. I was invested in what would happen to the characters, even though you the majority of them only briefly. This book loosely follows many years in the life of Benny, a music exec, and his personal assistant, Sasha. The reader is invited to dive into the personal details of their lives, as well as their relationships. Due to Egan's great writing, these characters become almost real to you by the time you reach the end of the book.

Reviewed by: Charis
Title: Life Sucks
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Abel, Jessica
Rating: 4

Review: **Graphic Novel***
Ever wonder what would happen if Dante & Randall from Clerks were vampires? Ok, probably not. Well this comic tells that tale anyway. Dave, a vegetarian vampire (don't ask) is forced by his vampire master to work the night shift at his convenience store...late at night, all the goth kids stream out of a neighboring club and into his store...Dave falls for one of them, and gets into a bet with another vamp over who can win her affection. A quick read, I enjoyed it..ultimately forgettable but worth the 30 minutes it will take to read it!

Reviewed by: Charis
Title: Bed of Roses
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Roberts, Nora
Rating: 3

Review: Easy Reading.

Reviewed by: Pat
Title: Guardian
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Sparks, Nicholas
Rating: 4

Review: Nice story about a widow; an easy read.

Reviewed by: Pat
Title: Just To See You Smile
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: John, Sally
Rating: 5

Review: A feel good Christian story.

Reviewed by: Ellen
Title: This Time Together: Laughter and Reflection
Genre: Biography
Author: Burnett, Carol
Rating: 5

Review: This book was very informative about Carol's journey into show biz. She tells of her struggles and big breaks along the way to stardom. I'm a big fan of Carol Burnett and also this book! Anyone who loves Carol Burnett, and wants to feel as if they took the journey along with her should read this book. They will love this book as much as I do.

Reviewed by: Michael
Title: Try to Remember
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Gomez, iris
Rating: 5

Review: This book was really good. It was based in the 70's, in Miami, Florida. It is about a Columbian family going througha hard time. It shows the fears they had and what role each member played, especially the women. I found it very sad. Most of the story is through the eyes of a teenage daughter and the emotional turmoil she is going through.

Reviewed by: Maribel
Title: 19 Minutes
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Picoult, Jodi
Rating: 5

Review: This book really hit home with all the school shootings. It lets you look at it from all different perspectives. Everyone knows someone who's been bullied at some point in their life, although they may not have gone to the degree as Peter did.

Reviewed by: Gayle
Title: A Dark Matter
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Straub, Peter
Rating: 1

Review: I didn't like this book at all. It was entirely too redundant. Six characters told their version of one event to the lone character trying to figure out what happened. I found that I wasn't paying attention by the second characters version.

Reviewed by: Latisha
Title: The Love Season
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Hilderbrand, Elin
Rating: 4

Review: I enjoyed reading this book very much, although I was unhappy with the ending. I feel like the author left too many unanswered endings with a few characters and that she tried to wrap up the ending as quickly as possible. Another 50 pages probably would have done it.

This book is based on 2 characters-one, a young girl named Renata(19yrs old) and her search for answers regarding her mother's death 14 years earlier and of Maguerite, who was the best friend to Renata's mother. The story was told in 2 days time and flowed very easily. The 2 come together in the end and share each other's story.

Reviewed by: Colleen
Title: On Mystic Lake
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Hannah, Kristen
Rating: 5

Review: Kristen Hannah is an awesome author. I started this book one night and finished the entire thing the following night. I couldn't put it down. It's a story about love, family, and second chances. Great!

Reviewed by: Maureen
Title: The Art of Racing in the Rain
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Stein, Garth
Rating: 5

Review: A wonderfully written book about a man's life, as seen through the eyes of his best friend, his dog. Denny is an aspiring race car driver and Enzo, his dog, is an aspiring human being and a philosopher. An excellent expression of life's twists and turns, and how they can be traversed with skill and grace.

Reviewed by: Lorna