Title: Imperial Bedrooms
Genre: Adult Fiction
Author: Easton-Ellis, Bret
Rating: 2
Review: This is a book that I believe only die-hard Easton-Ellis fans will enjoy. I'm pretty fond of his writing myself, and I was disappointed with it. Imperial Bedrooms is described as a continuation of Less Than Zero, Easton-Ellis' breakthrough novel published around twenty years ago. I'm not sure I agree with that-sure the names of the characters are the same, but there's no connection-these characters could be anyone.
This book is very readable, but that's about the only redeeming quality. I feel like it was an unwelcome mating of Less Than Zero with American Psycho, with cruelty and barbaric behavior thrown in purely for shock value. I'd much rather have re-read one of Easton-Ellis' older books than be disappointed by this one!
Reviewed by: Charis