Title: Cheech & Chong: The Unauthorized Biography
Genre: Biography
Author: Chong, Tommy
Rating: 5/5
Review: Tommy Chong illuminates the career he shared with his lifetime friend Richard "Cheech" Marin in this compelling and inviting piece of literature. Chong lures you into the depths of the Cheech & Chong time line while simultaneously exposing the truth behind each and every step to fame. But not all is easy in the business of making jokes, as they soon realize with the lack of money, lack of notoriety, and quite plainly just the lack of. With his use of vibrant detail and description, Chong practically has you sitting there next to Cheech and him while they work together to complete their critically acclaimed chronicles. Chong reveals to the audience much more than just his claim to fame as he proceeds to disclose the many relationships he's had with women as well as the crumbling relationship with Cheech. The Cheech & Chong legacy is one to be truly relived throughout the pages of this book and I highly suggest it to anyone interested in reading a true hero's journey.
Reviewed by: Seth
Genre: Biography
Author: Chong, Tommy
Rating: 5/5
Review: Tommy Chong illuminates the career he shared with his lifetime friend Richard "Cheech" Marin in this compelling and inviting piece of literature. Chong lures you into the depths of the Cheech & Chong time line while simultaneously exposing the truth behind each and every step to fame. But not all is easy in the business of making jokes, as they soon realize with the lack of money, lack of notoriety, and quite plainly just the lack of. With his use of vibrant detail and description, Chong practically has you sitting there next to Cheech and him while they work together to complete their critically acclaimed chronicles. Chong reveals to the audience much more than just his claim to fame as he proceeds to disclose the many relationships he's had with women as well as the crumbling relationship with Cheech. The Cheech & Chong legacy is one to be truly relived throughout the pages of this book and I highly suggest it to anyone interested in reading a true hero's journey.
Reviewed by: Seth
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