Have you ever been embarassed to be seen reading a romance novel? If so, you're in good company. Many romance fans don't appreciate how the genre's standard cover art (scantly clad people locked in passionate embraces) draws questioning glances and even snickers from those around them, driving sales of discreetly cover-free romance e-books to new heights. According to an article published in the
New York Times today ("
Lusty Tales and Hot Sales: Romance E-Books Thrive"), sales of romance books are now split evenly between print and ebook formats. With e-books exploding in popularity, it probably won't be long before they outpace print.
Do you have an embarassing reading-related story to share? Leave a comment! The Readers' Advisory librarians would love to hear from you.
I read a lot of teen books for fun, which is sometimes embarassing to admit as an adult. If I'm reading one on the train or somewhere else that's public, I hold the book so that my hand covers the "YA" library sticker on the spine.