New Release: The Red Market by Scott Carney

Human trafficking, narcotics trafficking... organ trafficking? Yes, there is a lucrative market for human body parts, and investigative journalist Scott Carney examines it thoroughly in his new book The Red Market: On the Trail of the World's Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers. For fictional titles involving organ trafficking, try Bone Thief by Jefferson Bass, in which a doctor faces an ethical dilemma when asked to heal his friend using black market body parts, Eye of Heaven, a romantic suspense story in which a Las Vegas star works together with an undercover operative to expose an organ smuggling ring, or Jodi Picoult's look at a death row organ donor in Change of Heart. In another book by the same name, Change of Heart by Sylvia Claire is one woman's true recounting of how receiving a heart and lung transplant utterly transformed her life. People interested in the ethics of organ transplantation can also try reading The Match: Savior Siblings and One Family's Battle to Save their Daughter, the nonfictional account of parents who have a designer baby in order to save their first child from anemia (which for some will bear an eerie similiarity to another fictional story by Jodi Picoult, My Sister's Keeper).

1 comment:

  1. My Sister's Keeper is another great Jodi Picoult novel that deals with issues of blood/tissue transplantation.
