Little Men by Louisa May Alcott: Little Men revolves around a group of young orphans who are students at a school run by two characters from Little Women, Jo March and her husband, Professor Friedrich.
The Wind Done Gone by Alice Randall: Margaret Mitchell's beloved Southern romance, Gone With The Wind, was not only one of the most famous books of the last century, but also spawned one of the most popular films to boot. This unauthorized sequel is a satirical re-telling from the perspective of an O'Hara family slave.
Closing Time by Joseph Heller: Joseph Heller's Catch-22 was one of the most popular novels of the 20th century, so much so that it even spawned the term "catch-22" as an everyday phrase. But what's not so popular is the book's sequel, Closing Time, published more than 30 years later. Since the original book was about World War II, long over by that time and not as ingrained into the cultural consciousness as it had been, Heller instead sets the sequel in '90s-era New York City, showing how various characters from the original novel deal with the difficulties of old age and their own mortality.
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