The Tilted World is an emotionally moving novel that takes place in the Mississippi Delta, during the Great Flood of 1927.
Ted Ingersoll and his partner are on a mission to track down a couple of local bootleggers. The duo come upon a botched robbery that left a baby boy the only survivor. Ingersoll deposits the child with Dixie Clay Holliver, a sad young woman whose son had died two years before. Ingersoll finds himself attracted to Dixie Clay, but doesn't know that she is the infamous creator of Black Lightning, the region's finest moonshine, or that she and her shady husband were the last to see the missing men.
"The authors superbly depict the bonds of maternal, romantic, and brotherly love, and their slangy dialogue and piquant metaphors enrich their setting. This is a full-bodied shot of bluesy Americana with just the right amounts of grit, heart, and woeful longing, and it goes down smooth and satisfying." - Booklist Reviews
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