Unbanned Books: Slaughterhouse Five & Twenty Boy Summer

Just in time for Banned Books Week!  According to this article in Reuters (republished in this issue of Shelf Awareness), a school board in southwest Missouri unanimously voted to overturn a previous ban on two books, Twenty Boy Summer and Slaughterhouse Five.  The controversial books include violence, offensive language, and sexually explicit material which run contrary to Biblical teaching.  The decision allows the books to be available in the school, but only parents or guardians may check them out.  Additionally, the books cannot be added to teachers' required reading lists.  Have you read one of these books?  Weigh in by commenting! 

1 comment:

  1. I haven't read Twenty Boy Summer, but SlaughterHouse should be banned, most definitely. All this weird time-travelling with not-so-subtle anti-war undertones is damaging for our youth.

    If you want to learn more, check
